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Council Meeting Highlights and Summaries

Posted on: September 10, 2024 | Last Modified on: September 10, 2024

Council Meeting Summary – September 9, 2024

Council Chamber City Hall - City of White Rock

Question and Answer Period    
All Question and Answer Period submissions and their responses can be viewed on the City website. 

Business Improvement Area (BIA) Survey Results and Directions for a New BIA Bylaw   
Council reviewed survey results from property owners and retail business owners/operators within the BIA Bylaw boundary regarding the services and support provided by the BIA. View the 2024 WRBIA Members Survey results.

Council directed staff to bring forward a new BIA bylaw which will utilize a counter-petition process following Section 213 of the Community Charter. The term, annual amounts to be collected, and mandate for the BIA will be discussed between staff and the BIA prior to the bylaw being brought forward for Council consideration of initial readings.  

Results - Budget Survey 2025   
Survey results from the City’s Talk White Rock online platform were provided to Council regarding the 2025 budget. Review a summary of the feedback received.

Guardrail and Retaining Wall Repairs - Beachview Avenue at Vidal Street    
Council reviewed a report about necessary repairs to guardrails and a retaining wall on Beachview Avenue at Vidal Street. They approved a budget of $317,000 for these repairs, with GDM Construction Ltd. awarded the main contract for $222,361 (excluding GST). GeoWest Engineering Ltd. was selected to provide engineering inspection and support for $30,000 (excluding GST). Additionally, they allocated a $44,000 contingency fund for any unexpected costs. 

Zoning Amendment Bylaw to Delete 15053 Marine Drive to Permit Temporary Permit for Cannabis Retail Sales    
Council received a report regarding a Zoning Bylaw Amendment to remove the potential to issue a temporary use permit for a cannabis retail store at 15053 Marine Drive. Council gave three (3) readings to the Bylaw later in the evening. 

Consideration of First, Second and Third Readings of White Rock Zoning Bylaw, 2024, No. 2506, Amendment No. 4, 2024, No. 2518 (15156 and 15158 Roper Avenue)   
Council reviewed an application to change the zoning for the properties at 15156 and 15158 Roper Avenue. The change would remove a restriction that currently requires retail businesses to be located within a residential unit. Instead, the commercial spaces could be operated and owned separately from the residential units. 

In accordance with sections 464(2) and 467 of the Local Government Act, Notice of Waiver of a Public Hearing was advertised in the August 29 and September 5 editions of the Peace Arch News. 228 notices were mailed out to owners and occupants within 100 meters of the subject property.

Council gave three (3) readings to the Bylaw later in the evening.

Bylaws Receiving Final Reading   

Two (2) bylaws received final reading:

  • Bylaw 2510 – Amendment to the Ticketing for Bylaw Offences Bylaw (Amendment to address small-scale multi-unit housing regulations)
  • Bylaw 2509 – White Rock Housing Agreement (14937 Thrift Avenue and 1441, 1443-45, 1465 Vidal Street) Bylaw (Bylaw to secure the proposed 139 residential units as market rental units for the life of the building, which includes 14 “rent-controlled units”)

The next Regular Council meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 23, 2024

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