Clerk's Office


15322 Buena Vista Avenue
White Rock, BC V4B 1Y6


Corporate Administration is responsible for legislative and municipal government administrative duties, such as: 
  • Providing legislative support and recommendations to Council and Committees,  including Sub-Committees and Volunteer Committees that report to Council, on policies, procedures and various Acts 
  • Recording Council and Committee proceedings and maintaining the official records of the City of White Rock (i.e. by-laws, agendas, and minutes) 
  • Managing all requests received under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act 
  • Coordinating the conduct of municipal elections for the positions of Mayor, Council, and School Trustee every four years
  • Processing official correspondence to and from Council 
  • This office also oversees risk management claims, Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act requests, City property negotiations, and land registration.