White Rock is a picturesque, seaside city of 21,939 residents in southwest British Columbia and is a total of 5.12 sq km. The city is located beside the sprawling sandy beach and warm, shallow waters of Semiahmoo Bay. White Rock is located on the unceded territory of the Semiahmoo First Nation and the Coast Salish people.
Moderate temperatures, stunning vistas and great amenities attract residents and visitors to White Rock. Established in 1957, the city has a proud past and a vibrant future. White Rock’s Waterfront, Five Corners area and Uptown all offer a variety of restaurants, retail stores and services. The city has attractive housing and a variety of parks, community services, facilities, pathways and trails.
The iconic White Rock Pier crowns the City’s Waterfront. The Waterfront is also home to a railway used by BNSF (Burlington Northern Sante Fe) Railway and a historic train station that houses the White Rock Museum and Archives. Residents and visitors enjoy the walkable, 2.19-kilometre-long Promenade and visiting the legendary White Rock, known to the Semiahmoo First Nation as P’Quals.
Attracting a diverse demographic spanning from young families to retirees, White Rock offers the friendliness of a small town with the amenities of a modern urban centre. It is a safe city that is protected by White Rock Fire Rescue, White Rock RCMP and the B.C. Ambulance Services.