
The most commonly requested bylaws and regulations are listed below in alphabetical order. 

Bylaws A - Z 


Affordable Housing Reserve Fund Bylaw 2367Establishes an Affordable Housing Reserve Fund
Animal Control and Licensing Bylaw No. 1959Governs animal regulations in White Rock
Annual Rates Bylaw No. 2490A bylaw for the levying of rates on land and improvements and to provide for the payment of taxes and user fees for the year 2024
Anti-Idling Bylaw No. 2089Regulates vehicle idling in White Rock
Automated Vote Counting System (consolidated) Bylaw No. 2248Authorizes an automated vote counting system and procedure
Bee Keeping Bylaw No. 1313Regulates the keeping of bees in White Rock
Board of Variance Bylaw No. 1753Provides for the establishment of a Board of Variance
Building Code Bylaw No. 1928Administration of the building code 
Business Improvement Area (BIA) Bylaw No. 2311Establishes and designates a Business Improvement Area in White Rock 
Business License (consolidated) Bylaw No. 1510Respecting the granting of licenses and the regulation of business
Bylaw Enforcement Officer Bylaw No. 2124Designated officer positions for the purpose to section 16 of the Community Charter and sections 21, 28 and 24 of the Offence Act
Collection, Removal, Disposal and Recycling of Solid Waste Bylaw No. 2084 (consolidated)Provides for the collection, removal, disposal and recycling of solid waste
Community Amenity Reserve Fund Bylaw No. 2190Establishes the guidelines for the Community Amenity Reserve Fund
Controlled Substances Property Bylaw No. 2041Regulates, prohibits or imposes requirements respecting controlled substance properties. A controlled substance is defined in the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act as a property on which hazardous conditions exist
Council and Committee Procedure Bylaw No. 2393Establishes rules of procedure for Council and Committee meetings. 
Council Code of Conduct Bylaw No. 2456A code to regulate the conduct of Council members.
Development Cost Charges Bylaw No. 2112Regulates the way in which development cost charges may be imposed for the purpose of providing funds to assist the City in paying the capital cost of providing, altering of expanding sewage, drainage, highway facilities and park land
Drainage Utility Fees Bylaw No. 1739Establishes fees for various classes of users of the drainage conditions and circumstances
Election Procedure Bylaw No. 2426Determination of various procedures for the conduct of elections and assent voting.
Elections Mail Ballots and Procedures Bylaw No. 2427Establishes guidelines for eligibility to vote by mail ballot or elector registration by mail
Electrical Connections Regulation (consolidated) Bylaw No. 548Regulates electrical connections to buildings 
Fees and Charges Bylaw 2480 (2024)Bylaw to impose fees and charges for various services offered by the City that are not included in any other City Bylaw.
Financial Plan Bylaw No. 2496Bylaw to adopt a Financial Plan for 2024 to 2028
Fire Prevention and Safety Bylaw No. 2057Establishes services to prevent and suppress fire, as well as other powers relating to hazards, dangerous conditions and public safety
Fire Sprinkler System Bylaw No. 1683Provides for the establishment of fire limit areas and the regulation of the installation of Fire Sprinkler Systems in buildings within fire limit areas 
Fireworks Regulation Bylaw No. 1776Council may regulate, prohibit and impose requirements in relation to the sale or disposal to any person of firecrackers and any other fireworks of any kind
Freedom of Information Bylaw No. 2457A Bylaw for the administration of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
Housing Agreement (1485 Fir Street) Bylaw No. 2408A bylaw to enter into a Housing Agreement under Section 483 of the Local Government Act.
Housing Agreement (14937 Thrift Avenue and 1441, 1443-45, 1465 Vidal Street) Bylaw, 2024, No. 2509A bylaw to enter into a Housing Agreement under Section 483 of the Local Government Act.
Intermunicipal Transportation Network Service (TNS) Business Licence Agreement Bylaw 2472A bylaw to enter into an agreement among participating municipalities regarding an intermunicipal transportation service business licence scheme
Intermunicipal Transportation Network Service (TNS) Business Licence Bylaw 2473A bylaw to permit transportation network services to operate across jurisdictional boundaries thereby minimizing the need to obtain a separate municipal business licence in each jurisdiction. 
Noise Control Bylaw No. 2018Provides regulation of certain noises or sounds in the City of White Rock
Latecomer Interest Rate Bylaw, 2015, No. 2088A  bylaw to establish an interest rate on latecomer charges for excess or extended services.
Officer and Indemnification Bylaw No. 1994Establishes Officer Positions and to provide for the indemnification of the Officers, Employees and Members of Council in the City of White Rock
Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 2220Under the Local Government Act in relation to Official Community Plans, the Council of the City of White Rock is empowered to establish objectives and policies to guide decisions on planning and land use management
Parking Meters (consolidated) Bylaw No. 1216Bylaw to provide for the creation of metered spaces on highways or portions thereof for parking purposes and to charge and collect a fee for the use of occupation of same
Parks Regulation (consolidated) Bylaw No. 675Bylaw to regulate and govern the use of parks
Permissive Tax Exemption Bylaws
Pesticide Use Bylaw No. 1864Regulates the cosmetic use of pesticides within the City of White Rock
Pier Heritage Site Bylaw No. 854Designates the Pier as a heritage site
Planning Procedures Bylaw No. 2234Defines Planning Procedures and the referral of liquor license applications
Public Health Smoking Protection Bylaw No. 1858Regulates the protection, promotion and preservation of the health of the inhabitants of the City of White Rock
Removal and Disposal of Unlawfully Parked Vehicles Bylaw No. 1380Regulates the removal and disposal of any vehicle parked unlawfully occupying any portion of a highway or public place
Revenue Anticipation Bylaw No. 2492Providing for the borrowing of sums of money as may be requisite to meet the current lawful expenditures of the City.
Road Subdivision Bylaw No. 777
Regulates the subdivision of Land in the City of White Rock.
Secondary Suite Service Fee Bylaw No. 2009 (Consolidated)Establishes a fee payable by the owners and occupiers of real properties within the City of White Rock that contain secondary suites
Security and Fire Alarm System Regulation Bylaw No. 2034provides for the regulation of emergency services in response to false alarms of a security alarm system or a fire system in the City of White Rock
Sewer Connection and Rental Charges Bylaw No. 396 (Consolidated)A bylaw to regulate connections to sewers and drains and to impose sewer connection and rental charges.
Sidewalk Use Agreement Bylaw No. 2203Permits and regulates the use of City sidewalks for the purpose of extending business operations onto public right of ways
Sign Bylaw (consolidated) Bylaw No. 1923Regulates the placing, maintenance and repair of signs
Street and Traffic with Schedules (consolidated) Bylaw No. 1529Regulates traffic and the use of streets in the City of White Rock
(view tracked changes version here)
Street Naming and House Numbering (consolidated) Bylaw No. 992Adopts and regulates a system of street naming and house numbering in the City of White Rock
Ticketing for Bylaw Offenses (consolidated) Bylaw No. 1929Authorizes ticketing for Bylaw Officers
Tree Protection Bylaw No. 2407
(Repealed Bylaw 1831)
A bylaw to regulate and prohibit the cutting, removal and damage of protected trees through the issuance of Tree Management Permits and the establishment of requirements for tree replacement and the posting of securities for tree protection and tree maintenance.
Unsightly Premises and Graffiti Abatement Bylaw No. 2019Provides for the regulation of unsightly premises or graffiti abatement in the City of White Rock
Water Services Bylaw No. 2117Provides for the establishment and regulation of water works, supply, use and rates
White Rock Heritage Site Bylaw No. 855Designates the ’white rock’ as a heritage site
Zoning Bylaw No. 2506Pursuant to the Local Government Act, City Council is empowered to make regulations in relation to zoning and other development relations.

* Online copies of bylaws are not legal versions of the bylaw and many not include all of the bylaws and recent amendments. Contact the Clerk’s Department for official copies of a bylaw at