With temperatures expected to top 30 C starting Friday, the City of White Rock is opening a cooling centre at the White Rock Community Centre on Friday, July 30 and Saturday, July 31 from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Everyone is welcome to come in, cool off, have some water and watch the Tokyo Olympic Games on TV. The community centre is located at 15154 Russell Ave., west of Johnston Road. The City requests that people wear masks at the centre.
Stay cool at home
As temperatures rise, people are reminded to keep hydrated, check on vulnerable neighbours and keep cool by the water, in the shade, and by heading indoors to malls and other air-conditioned facilities.
Remember also to close shades and curtains, have a fan available, if possible, and use a bath or shower to cool down.
Sun and Heat Safety
Check out tips from Fraser Health here.