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Posted on: July 5, 2024

Stay cool during high temperatures

Thermometer at high temperature with beaming sun and blue sky

Keep cool during higher temperatures this summer and learn how to prevent heat related illness.

Tips to keep you cool and healthy during the heat 

  • Drink plenty of water even before you feel thirsty and stay in a cool place.
  • Know the signs of heat exhaustion and heat stroke and how to respond. Symptoms include thirst, dizziness, weakness, and fainting or collapsing. Learn more from Fraser Health.
  • If you have a window air conditioner, place it in a room you can close off from the rest of your home. Use the room as your cooling off space and try to stay in there as much as possible during the hottest parts of the day.
  • Never leave people or pets inside a parked vehicle during warm weather.

Plan ahead. Preparing for warmer temperatures or a heat event will help keep you cool and safe during higher temperatures. 

Where to cool down in White Rock

  • White Rock Community Centre, 15154 Russell Avenue
  • Centre for Active Living, 1475 Anderson Street
  • Kent Street Activity Centre, 1475 Kent Street
  • White Rock Library, 15342 Buena Vista Ave

A misting station will be activated during heat warning events at the corner at Russell Avenue and Johnston Road. The city’s heat event webpage will be updated when the misting station is open.

Subscribe to notifications of heat events

Sign up for the community notification service Alertable to stay informed of heat and other emergency-related events. Alertable is for anyone, at any stage of emergency preparedness. Download Alertable.

Learn more about heat warnings at

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