Where can I find the location and coordinates for the Integrated Survey Monuments?

For more information please contact the Engineering and Municipal Operations Department at 604-541-2181.

Show All Answers

1. When I smell gas or suspect a gas leak, who do I contact?
2. Who do I contact to report a power outage or an electrical emergency? How do I find out the status of a power outage?
3. As a resident of White Rock how can I dispose of my green/yard waste? What is considered yard waste?
4. I have just completed a house renovation, will the City pick up the construction material?
5. Who do I contact to find out more information on boat moorage at the White Rock Pier?
6. How can I get Universal Transverse Mercator coordinates or latitude / longitude for a property in White Rock?
7. Where can I find the location and coordinates for the Integrated Survey Monuments?
8. Can you fix a streetlight that is out?
9. How do I report a traffic signal that isn't working properly?
10. There is a tree obstructing driver sight lines at an intersection, who should I call?
11. Can I have a driveway access to the lane behind my property or from the street?
12. How can I find out how much traffic uses a certain street?
13. Does the City of White Rock have a traffic calming policy?
14. I'm digging on my property and need to know where my sanitary / storm sewer or other utility connections are located, who do I call?
15. How do I go about getting a refund of my damage deposit?
16. How do I report a private contractor or resident making changes to the City Boulevard, illegal filling, or soil removal?
17. I need to place a construction bin on the City Boulevard or at curb side, do I require a permit?
18. I want to create a parking area on the boulevard in front of my house, do I require a permit?
19. I am a contractor needing specifications for installation of offsite services, where can I find them?
20. What is the right-of-way on my property for?
21. My servicing is now completed and I would like a refund of my bond / reduction on the letter of credit, what do I need to do?
22. I'm looking at subdividing my lot, is there somewhere I can get a rough, ballpark estimate on servicing costs?
23. I want to install or rebuild a retaining wall along a City boulevard. Do I require a permit?