Transportation Plan

people walking on sidewalk, black car driving on road

The City of White Rock’s Integrated Transportation and Infrastructure Master Plan (ITIMP) is a comprehensive multi-modal transportation master plan that will guide the City’s transportation investments, municipal infrastructure improvements, capital expenditures, and decision making over the next twenty years and beyond. The ITIMP also ensures that transportation improvements coincide with other municipal infrastructure improvements projects (i.e., sewers, drainage, and water).

The Plan, which was finalized in 2022, was developed based on best practices from around the world as well as local expertise and public input to develop a plan that responds to how we live today and how we want to live in the future.

The ITIMP includes five goals to achieve the vision and improve the multi-modal transportation system in White Rock:

  • Goal 1: Improved Safety – Improve the safety of all road users, with a specific focus on vulnerable road users
  • Goal 2: Improved Efficiency – Ensure the efficient movement of people and goods to support the local and regional economy
  • Goal 3: Improved Environmental Outcomes – Reduce transportation-related environmental outcomes
  • Goal 4: Increased Mobility Choices – Provide attractive and convenient mobility choices that are safe and comfortable for people of all ages and abilities
  • Goal 5: Improved Health – Improve the health and well-being of White Rock residents and the broader community

Four Key Themes

To achieve the vision, goals, and objectives of the ITIMP, the plan includes the following four key Themes.

Safe streets icon

The Safe Streets theme focuses on adopting and implementing a Vision Zero strategy. Vision Zero is a global traffic safety initiative that aims to eliminate traffic fatalities and serious injuries among all road users by considering road design, speed limits, and road user education. Vision Zero recognizes that people will sometimes make mistakes, so the transportation system and related policies should be designed to ensure that these mistakes do not lead to severe injuries or fatalities. Vision Zero has been implemented in communities of all sizes across the world, from Sweden and the United States to close to home in the City of Surrey.

People first icon

The People-first Streets theme recognizes that the Plan should take a human-centred approach and create streets that are convenient, attractive, safe, and inviting for people of all ages and abilities. The focus here is on making a walkable city by expanding the sidewalk network, providing accessibility improvements, and creating beautiful and interesting public spaces.

Connected streets icon

The Connected Streets theme focuses on balancing the needs of all road users while making it easier to walk, bike, and take transit when making local trips and connecting to regional destinations. This includes developing a connected cycling network, making sure transit stops are accessible, and designing “complete streets” that facilitate safe, comfortable, and enjoyable connections between White Rock’s neighbourhoods and beyond. 

Dynamic streets icon

The Dynamic Streets theme considers new and emerging transportation technologies such as carsharing, ride-hailing, bike sharing, and autonomous vehicles, which will have wide-ranging implications on the way we live and move both now and in the future. 

Video - Background: Developing the Plan


If you have any questions regarding the ITIMP, please contact the Engineering & Operations department at 604-541-2181 or email