Pre-Payment Plan

The City of White Rock has a Pre-Authorized Pre-Payment Plan for Property Taxes. As a property owner, you may sign up for monthly automatic deductions from your bank account. Highlights of the plan are:

  • The amount of the monthly payment is based on an estimate of next year’s taxes
  • Ten monthly payments collected on the first of each month, from August through to the following May
  • There are no withdrawals in June and July
  • Interest paid is set at prime less 3%
  • There is no fee for this service
  • You can change your withdrawal amounts at any time (10 days notice required)
  • You can withdraw from the plan at any time (10 days notice required)

Sign up for the pre-payment plan online.

Important Information about Pre-Payments

When you receive your Property Tax Notices in June, it will show your current year’s taxes, less the total of your pre-payments. You are still responsible for paying any unpaid tax, as well as applying for the Home Owner Grant (if eligible) by the due date. Credit balances will automatically be applied to next year’s pre-payment plan. The new estimated pre-payment amount will then be printed on the bottom of your Property Tax Notice.

Cancelling or Changing your Pre-Payment Plan

You must provide written notice 10 business days in advance of the next scheduled pre-payment in order to withdraw from the plan or change any banking information

If you have any questions about changing or cancelling your plan call 604-541-2280 or email