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Posted on: April 6, 2020

[ARCHIVED] New City of White Rock CAO, current CAO at Town of Ladysmith, begins May 19

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The City of White Rock is pleased to announce that Guillermo Ferrero, currently the CAO of the Town of Ladysmith, will join the City of White Rock as CAO May 19.

Ferrero has been the CAO of Ladysmith since 2016. During that time, in partnership with Stz’uminus First Nation, Ladysmith was named the Planning Institute of B.C.’s 2018 Gold Winner for the Ladysmith Waterfront Area Plan. During his leadership, the town’s 1st Avenue was named Canada’s 2017 Great Street by the Canadian Institute of Planners.

Ferrero was with the City of Nanaimo from 2005 to 2016, including as Director of Legislative Services, IT and Communications; Manager of Legislative Services; Manager of Business Applications and ERP Systems; Manager of Revenue Services and Financial Systems; and Manager of Business Applications.

Ferrero replaces CAO Dan Bottrill who joined White Rock as CAO in 2012. Bottrill was to finish his tenure with White Rock March 31 but agreed to stay until his replacement was in place.


Mayor Darryl Walker

“I would like to extend a warm, White Rock welcome to Guillermo. I know we will benefit from your diversity of experience and collaborative leadership style.

Thank you, Dan Bottrill, for your continued service to White Rock. You stayed to lead the team temporarily during the COVID-19 pandemic, and it is greatly appreciated by staff and Council.”  

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