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Posted on: November 27, 2020

[ARCHIVED] New ‘Please wear a mask’ signs pop up around White Rock

Stay 2 metres apart and please wear a mask.

The City of White Rock is encouraging people to wear masks in outdoor spaces during the global pandemic when it’s hard to stay two metres apart from others.

The City has posted signs in public places, including in parks, on the White Rock Pier and Waterfront Promenade encouraging people to stay apart and to wear masks to help stop the spread of COVID-19.

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The COVID-19 Recovery Task Force, formed to respond to the social and economic needs of the city during the COVID-19 pandemic, suggested that White Rock’s residents and visitors should be asked to wear masks. Council approved a mask communication campaign on Nov. 9, 2020, just ahead of the Provincial Health Officer’s direction on Nov. 19 that moved wearing masks from expected to mandatory.

Support for Masks

The Provincial Health Officer, the BC Centre for Disease Control and Fraser Health all support the wearing of non-medical masks as one measure to help stop the spread of COVID-19. 

Wearing a mask can help protect others by containing a person’s droplets when they are talking, laughing, singing, coughing or sneezing. Wearing a cloth mask is mandatory at shopping malls, grocery stores, community centres, on transit and other public indoor spaces.

A mask should be used along with other preventive measures, such as frequent hand washing and physical distancing. 

For information about how to properly wear a mask, visit


Darryl Walker
Mayor, City of White Rock

“The City of White Rock follows the direction of Dr. Bonnie Henry and the Provincial Health Ministry, and that includes wearing masks. Masks are one small thing we can do for ourselves and for those who are vulnerable and might experience extreme symptoms, or worse, if they contract COVID-19. Let’s stay apart, and when we can’t, let’s wear our masks.” 

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