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Posted on: August 25, 2021

[ARCHIVED] Residents, businesses invited to help shape White Rock’s post-pandemic economy

Uptown White Rock store fronts, pedestrian walking

The City of White Rock is hosting online workshops on Sept. 8 and 9 to invite residents and local businesses to provide input into a draft of the City’s post-pandemic Economic Development Strategic Plan.

The draft plan, to be shared at the workshops, comes with an updated vision, objectives and strategies based on current conditions and long-term trends affecting White Rock’s economic strength. 

The updated Economic Development Strategic Plan will guide how jobs and businesses in White Rock change and grow in a post-pandemic future. 

Online Resident Workshops

  • Wednesday, Sept. 8, 2021
  • 3 to 4 p.m.
  • 6 to 7 p.m.

Online Business Workshop

  • Thursday, Sept. 9, 2021
  • 10 to 11 a.m.

RSVP to by Aug. 31, 2021. A link will be provided.

Survey Highlights

The City asked for feedback in February and March 2021 from residents and business owners and managers. Here is a summary of that input, along with input from City staff, the Economic Development Advisory Committee, City Council, the White Rock BIA and the South Surrey & White Rock Chamber of Commerce.


  • Top Goals for economic development: 55%
    • Attracting more businesses to White Rock
    • Protecting against the negative impacts of growth 
  • Three words that best describe your vision for the economic future of White Rock:
    • Environmentally sustainable /responsible
    • Creative/innovative 
    • Vibrant and unique. 
  • City’s most important assets: 65%  
    • The White Rock Pier and Waterfront 
    • Local, independent business 
    • Arts and culture
  • Residents also expressed a strong desire for:
    • The revitalization of the Waterfront
    • Creation of an Arts and Culture corridor
    • Spaces for social gatherings
  • Concerns were expressed about:
    • Parking
    • Density
    • Property taxes
    • Vacancies on Marine Drive 
    • Condition of storefronts


  • Top three key strengths of doing business in White Rock: 62%
    • Friendly small-town atmosphere and sense of community
    • Strong, loyal customer base
    • Increasing population, growing White Rock/South Surrey community
  • Top three key challenges of doing business in White Rock: 50%
    • Parking
    • Increased cost of doing business 
  • Most important thing the City can do to support the growth and expansion of business: 65%
    • Make it easy for businesses to navigate government services, regulations and programs  
  • Types of businesses most likely to be successful in White Rock:
    • Arts and culture
    • Health and wellness
    • Food and beverage
    • Retail
    • Outdoor activity 

Updating the Economic Development Strategic Plan

The updated Economic Development Strategic Plan is being developed by and for the people who live, work or have invested in a business in White Rock, with the survey results setting the foundation for future engagement. 

A draft update to the Economic Development Strategic Plan is expected to be completed in the fall of 2021.

To learn more about economic development in White Rock, visit the Economic Development web page at


Mayor Darryl Walker

“City Council is committed to engaging with the community, both residents and businesses, and using that valuable input to plan our economic future together. We are using input from residents, staff and experts to create a draft plan for review. Please get involved and share your thoughts with the City of White Rock.”   

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