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Posted on: October 18, 2021

[ARCHIVED] City of White Rock thanks small businesses during Small Business Week

The City of White Rock Thanks Small Businesses this Small Business Week

The City of White Rock is thanking small businesses during Small Business Week from Oct. 17 to 23 for the critical role they play in serving the White Rock community.

White Rock has more than 300 small businesses, in addition to home-based businesses. Each October, Small Business Week pays tribute to the entrepreneurs who bring exceptional talent, drive and vibrancy to the city’s streets, helping form the backbone of the economy. 

White Rock is fortunate to have award-winning, provincially and nationally recognized businesses that offer fantastic goods and services, ranging from hair products, restaurants, bakeries, health food stores, gourmet chocolate, home décor, flowers, craft beer, health food, mechanics and the arts. 

Small businesses are the core of the community, and the City is working closely with the White Rock BIA and South Surrey-White Rock Chamber of Commerce to continue to find ways to provide support for local businesses, including during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Working with its partners, the City has:

  • Lobbied senior levels of government for help for White Rock businesses
  • Added additional online services, including business licence applications, available at
  • Closed Marine Drive to one-way traffic to provide additional patio space for restaurants
  • Added picnic tables on the East Beach, Memorial Park and Five Corners to help residents and businesses
  • City launched ‘Shop the Rock’ to encourage buying local in White Rock
  • Developed an online scavenger game “Search the Rock” encouraging people from the lower mainland to visit our City and complete tasks that included visiting local businesses and winning prizes from White Rock businesses.

Updating the Economic Development Strategic Plan

An updated Economic Development Strategic Plan is being developed by and for the people who live, work or have invested in a business in White Rock.

The City engaged with residents and businesses with a survey in February and March of 2021. In September 2021, residents and local businesses were invited to two online workshops to provide input into a draft of the City’s post-pandemic Economic Development Strategic Plan

A draft update to the Economic Development Strategic Plan is expected to be completed by the end of 2021. The draft plan will include an updated vision, objectives and strategies that leverage White Rock's existing strengths, including its vibrant small business community, and that position the City's economy to respond effectively to long-term trends.

To learn more about economic development in White Rock, visit the Economic Development web page at


Mayor Darryl Walker
City of White Rock

“The past 18 months have been an incredibly challenging time for businesses, especially small businesses. Many small businesses have had to adapt to new and creative ways to serve the community. On behalf of City Council, we thank our small business owners, operators and employees for continuing to offer excellent services to our community. You have shown resiliency, courage and a willingness to adapt. We are truly grateful for you.”  

Carolyn Latzen
Economic Development Officer
City of White Rock

"Small businesses are the core of our community and are what makes White Rock such a wonderful and vibrant place to shop and live. Show your appreciation by visiting a small business, shop local, eat local, and support the entrepreneurs in our community this Small Business Week." 

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