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Posted on: November 8, 2018

[ARCHIVED] Statement Regarding the November 7, 2018 Special Council Meeting

Statement from the City

The proceedings of the November 7, 2018, White Rock Special Council Meeting, initiated a citywide Official Community Plan (OCP) review, the scope of which staff will be reporting back on to Council at the next Regular Council meeting, which is on November 19, 2018. Last night, Council also approved a process, under Section 463 of the Local Government Act, to review the land use in the Lower Town Centre OCP land use area of the City, and to review the zoning of two projects in this area that have not yet applied for building permits. As a result, this will involve a series of processes and consultation with property owners before Council considers any amendments to the Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw. These two properties still have the opportunity to apply for building permits, subject to certain conditions according to the Section 463 of the Local Government Act.

Quick Facts:

  • An Official Community Plan (OCP) is a document with objectives and policies that guide decisions on planning and land use management. As the overarching city-wide policy and land use vision for White Rock, this OCP is the guiding framework for all departments and decision-making within the City.
  • The 2017 Official Community Plan (OCP) was adopted on Monday, October 23, 2017.  

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