Pollinator Meadow Project

yellow flowers in a meadow

Pollinator meadows are landscapes that support wild pollinator populations with a diverse range of plant food and habitat. Wild pollinators such as bees and butterflies are crucial to ecosystem and human health, and they are in decline. In support of ecological diversity, resiliency, and the need for increased pollinator habitat in our urban spaces, the City of White Rock Parks Department is converting selected underutilized portions of the city’s Hillside Walkways into naturalized meadow spaces.

Pollinator meadows have many benefits, including:

  • Increased diversity of food sources for native pollinator populations and other beneficial insects
  • Increased water retention in the soil, benefiting nearby trees during periods of drought stress
  • Cooling effect on air temperatures
  • Smaller carbon footprint for maintenance
  • Calming effect on visitors who get to enjoy the meadow grasses and wildflowers in these spaces

The Park Operations Crew will continue to manage these spaces over the course of the spring and summer seasons, and residents and visitors are encouraged to explore and enjoy these pollinator meadows.

Further Reading and Resources