Five Corners Improvement

Five Corners shopping and business district in White Rock

Located within the City's Lower Town Centre, Five Corners is where Johnston Road, Buena Vista Avenue and Pacific Avenue all converge, and is a vital destination hub for shopping, dining, sightseeing, and gathering for festivals and events.

The Five Corners Improvement Project will provide an opportunity to revitalize the vibrancy and functionality of Five Corners as the social, cultural, and commercial heart of the community by:

  • Addressing transportation concerns
  • Improving pedestrian safety
  • Creating more public space 
  • Upgrading walking and cycling paths
  • Enhancing connectivity to the beach

Public Engagement

The feedback received will help improve the City's understanding of the community's needs and desires and will help us deliver the best outcome for all residents and business owners. 


Below is an artistic rendering of the Five Corners improvements. 

Rendered photo of Five Corners improvements project

There may be minor changes to the design.



For additional information or concerns, contact the Project Manager at