Public Hearings and Public Meetings

A Public Hearing provides interested stakeholders the opportunity to communicate their interests directly to Council. Applications for Official Community Plan (OCP) amendment, Zoning Bylaw amendment (rezoning), Phase Development Agreements, amendments to Land Use Contracts, and applications for Liquor and Cannabis License Resolution Requests are subject to a Public Hearing.  

Public meetings are non-statutory meetings required in the review of applications for Major Development Permits, and amendments or extensions to such permits, which include a variance, a Development Variance Permit, a Temporary Use Permit, and requests for the purchase of a municipal right-of-way.

Items for consideration at a Public Hearing/ Meeting are published in the local paper (Peace Arch News) and on the City's website. A notice is mailed to owners (occupants) of properties within 100 metres of the property/properties subject to the application in advance of a scheduled Public Hearing.

How to Participate in a Public Hearing/ Meeting

Public Hearings/ Meetings are open to all members of the public. If you believe that you are affected by a proposed land use application, you may participate in the process by submitting written comments by email or mail or by attending in-person.

After the Public Hearing/ Meeting

Council members cannot accept any further information or submissions after the close of the Public Hearing; this is to allow a fair process as established by provincial case law.

NOTE: The address of the speaker is permitted to be collected through Section 26c of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. If the speaker has any questions or concerns regarding the collection of their personal information, please contact the Director of Corporate Administration at or call 604-541-2278.

Additional Opportunities for Engagement

The following information outlines the purpose and format of various public engagement opportunities tied to planning and development applications as well as longer-range City building efforts.

Public Information Meetings (PIM):

Applicants are required to hold Public Information Meetings for most types of development applications in accordance with Schedule E of the City's Planning Procedures Bylaw. These meetings are scheduled early in the review of an application(s) and are intended to raise local awareness of a proposal while enabling an applicant(s) to address initial questions and comments from interested stakeholders.

How to participate:

Open Houses:

Open Houses are commonly hosted by the City as part of longer-range planning efforts and may be used as a complement to statutory meetings, for example those that are required in support of an Official Community Plan (OCP) amendment. The format of an Open House is often tailored to the role that the public will play in supporting future decision making efforts, ranging from “inform” (e.g., raising awareness of the project) to “empower” (e.g., enabling the public to be directly involved in crafting new policy).