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Posted on: July 16, 2024

[ARCHIVED] White Rock city council approves fast-tracked accessibility mat for pier

Pier at low tide with blue ocean

White Rock city council has voted to improve accessibility on the famous and well-loved pier, making one of the city’s most notable landmarks able to be enjoyed by all.

Last night city council voted in favour to award the contract for installation of the Pier Accessibility Mat, which will stretch along the pier and aims to create an even layer on the wood planks. Council has fast-tracked this plan, with work set to begin later this summer.

"Further to council approval in June, I’m pleased to announce that council has awarded the contract to expedite the installation of the pier mat, one of the many important accessibility projects we are committed to,” said Mayor Megan Knight. “This project represents a significant step forward in making our iconic pier more accessible to everyone, as we continue to fundraise and seek grants for the full reconstruction of the pier. I look forward to seeing the mat installed soon and witnessing the positive impact it will have on our community." 

The Pier Accessibility Mat is able to be installed at this time thanks to a generous grant from SPARC BC and donations from the Self Advocates of Semiahmoo and Soroptimists International of White Rock.

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