Corporate Administration

White Rock Corporate Administration is responsible for legislative, communications, government relations and municipal government administration including:

  • Providing legislative support and recommendations to Council and Committees, on policies, procedures and various Acts
  • Recording Council and Committee proceedings and maintaining the official records of the City of White Rock (including bylaws, agendas, and minutes)
  • Managing all requests received under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
  • Processing official correspondence to and from Council
  • Overseeing risk management claims, City property negotiations and land registration
  • Overseeing the City’s Communication and Government Relations department
  • Co-ordinating the municipal elections for the positions of Mayor, Council, and School Trustee scheduled every four years


Communications and Government Relations

The Communications and Government Relations division provides communication and community engagement expertise and counsel. This includes oversight for internal and external communications, comprising government relations, media relations, social media, website, emergency communication, branding and graphic design, and communications strategic planning. Also included is outreach to community partners and other levels of government, including the Semiahmoo First Nation, Metro Vancouver as well as Provincial and Federal government partners to address intergovernmental, regional, and inter-municipal priorities and issues.


Property, Risk and Freedom of Information

The Property, Risk, and Freedom of Information division oversees various City matters including land purchase and sale, land title registration, third-party liability claims, and responses to Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act access requests. They also handle the City’s long-term leases and licenses, and advise on risk aspects of policy development, procedural updates, and bylaw enforcement.
