Freedom of Information

A Freedom of Information (FOI) request is a formal process to ask for copies of personal records about yourself or someone you are responsible for. It is also a way to access general records (which are not personal in nature) that could be released, in whole or in part, to anyone.

The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA) gives you access to records that are created and compiled by the City. 

The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy legislation ensures that public bodies are accountable and open to the public. This is accomplished through a balance of the public's right to "Freedom of Information" and "Protection of Privacy." Learn more at

Submitting a Freedom of Information Request

If you would like to receive information from the City that is not routinely available, you will need to submit a Freedom of Information Request.  Please note that all FOI submissions require a $10 fee.

Records will be provided electronically unless the requestor has specified a preference for hard copies.


Legislation for your request allows for 30-business days, with many requests completed sooner. There are occasions where your request may take longer than 30 days. An effort is made to provide the information as quickly as possible.


FOI requests require an application fee of $10 to be submitted with the request. The Act allows public bodies to charge additional fees for search time in some cases and to charge for production of copies of the information.  


Most of the information held by the City is available to the public, such as answers to questions related to departmental operations, agendas, minutes, bylaws, publications, policies and procedures. However the general right of access to information may be restricted by specified and limited exceptions. For example, a person will not get access to closed Council meeting agendas, minutes or materials, someone else's personal information or information that would harm third party business interests or law enforcement investigations and proceedings. Each request is evaluated individually with regard to the provincial legislation.

Information That Won't Be Released:

  • Bulk property registry data (Assessment Roll)
  • Business license applications (in bulk)
  • Contact information for property owners
  • Disclosure harmful to the conservation of heritage sites
  • Disclosure harmful to law enforcement. Disclosure harmful to business interests of a third party.
  • Disclosure harmful to personal privacy
  • Legal advice given to the City of White Rock
  • Local public body confidences
  • Names and contact information of home owners
  • Policy advice or recommendations


If you have any questions regarding the Freedom of Information process, please call 604-541-2212 or email

FOI requests

Incoming Freedom of Information (FOI) requests will be noted and tracked below. The table will be revised as updates become available. If you have questions, please contact the FOI Department.

2024 Requests

File #Topic (Click for details)Date ReceivedStatutory Response DateExtension or N/AStatusResponse Date (Click for details)Comments
2024-01Flood Records2024-01-292024-03-12
2024-02Road Work - Vine Avenue2024-02-02* 
Fee deposit paid on 2024-03-26 and work started on file

RS2024-05-10*Records available by request due to the large file sizes. To view

Response sent following receipt of outstanding balance for records
2024-03Fire Records2024-02-14 *2024-04-25
RS2024-03-21At the time of the request, the records were still being worked on. Records were finalized 
March 12, 2024
2024-04Fire Records2024-02-232024-04-09
2024-05Bylaw Enforcement Matters2024-03-122024-04-25
2024-06Incident Reports2024-04-182024-05-31*
*File Closed. Payment not received
2024-07White Rock Fire Records for Police Incident2024-05-06

RS2024-05-07RCMP matter
2024-08Thrift Avenue Building Documents2024-05-062024-06-18
2024-09Personal/ Property Documents2024-05-212024-07-02
2024-10Fire Records2024-05-212024-07-02
2024-11Accident Footage2024-06-072024-06-20
RS2024-06-20 (letter only, video cannot be provided online)
2024-12White Rock Fire Records for Police Incident2024-06-262024-08-08

2024-13Vidal Project Documents2024-07-112024-08-23*
*File on hold for clarification
2024-14Building Permit Documents2024-07-182024-08-30

Request Terms

  • File #: FOI requests are assigned a file number for reference purposes. 
  • Topic: A general summary of the request. 
  • Date Received: The date that staff obtained the request. 
  • Statutory response date: 30 business days from the date received. 
  • Extensions: Extensions may be made under Section 10, Section 23, or Section 75 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Extensions may also be granted by the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner (OIPC).
  • Status: The status of a file will be noted as In Progress (IP), Response Sent (RS), Withdrawn (W) or Under OIPC Review (OIPC). 
  • Response Date: The date the City responded to the Requestor and a link to the response letter, subject to any mandatory redaction. 
  • Comments: If further explanation regarding the status of a file is required, the comments will be noted.