Operations & Department

White Rock Fire Rescue department patch

The primary mandate of White Rock Fire Rescue is to protect life, property and the environment from fire and natural or human-made emergencies.

The department quickly responds to a wide variety of emergency incidents with well-trained staff and strives to achieve this through a variety of services and programs in six key areas: fire suppression, fire prevention, medical calls, motor vehicle incidents (MVI), public education, and rescue and safety.


The department consists of a Fire Chief who is also the Emergency Program Coordinator, a Deputy Chief for Training and Operations, a Deputy Chief for Fire Prevention and Emergency Preparedness, an Administrative Assistant, 24 Professional Career Firefighters and 20 to 24 Auxiliary Paid-Per-Call Firefighters.


White Rock Fire Rescue operates out Fire Hall 1, responding with two Engines, a Tower and Mocom. The modern four-bay station is staffed 24/7 to provide 24-hour year-round emergency response capabilities for fires, rescues and other emergencies.

The White Rock Fire Hall is located at 15315 Pacific Avenue, White Rock, BC.


White Rock Fire Rescue Service is dispatched by the Surrey Fire Dispatch Centre, which receives calls from the 911 Operators.


The Fire Rescue Service operates under the direction of the Fire Chief, who reports to the Mayor and Council through the City Manager.

Recruitment & Auxiliary

The Fire Rescue Service is one of the most unique and challenging work environments known today. It is this diversity that inspires women and men to enter the Fire Rescue Service as an Auxiliary (paid on call) firefighter. Auxiliary Firefighters role is to support the full-time firefighters during paged incidents. This support role is an important strategy in our duties to serve the community.

About Firefighters

Firefighters have more than just a desire to help people. They also have courage and dedication, assertiveness and a willingness to learn new skills, face new challenges and work as part of a team. Our service is one which calls on its members to perform dirty strenuous work, often in uncertain and hazardous environments. We can do it safely because of the quality equipment and detailed training we receive. There is a sense of accomplishment after controlling a building fire, joy and elation when a child is rescued, compassion for victims, and fulfillment in teaching fire safety.

Join Our Mission

The bottom line in our business is measured by the prevention of loss of life, pain and suffering and property damage. We exist and are prepared for one reason only, to provide service to the community. If you feel you have what it takes to meet the challenges of our business, we welcome you to contact us at 604-541-2121.