Water Serviceability

Residents or developers must confirm that proposed buildings can be serviced with water, prior to applying for a single family or duplex building permit or subdivision application.

Servicing requirements are:

  • Backflow prevention is provided to protect the distribution system
  • Existing hydrant(s) are within a reasonable distance to the proposed building and with adequate flow
  • Pressures in the nearest watermain are suitable for sprinkler fire protection to NFPA 13D (as required by Sprinkler Bylaw No. 1683)
  • Property is reasonably close to a suitable watermain

How to apply

Step 1: Complete the application documents

If the person applying for the water serviceability report is not an owner of the property, please have an agent authorization form signed by the owner(s).  Scan and save the form in a PDF file format. This form will need to be uploaded when you apply online.

Online Form: The fastest way to receive your water serviceability report

Email form:

Step 2: Serviceability report

The City will then submit all applications to Kerr Wood Leidal for review.  

The Serviceability Report may take up to 10 business days to complete. The applicant will be sent an email once the report is ready to be downloaded from the City's online portal.

Water Service Disconnection

Water service disconnection must occur prior to a demolition and a completed Water Service Disconnection Application must be submitted ahead of time. The owner can choose to have: 

  • No water
  • Temporary water

The application fee for temporary water or water meter removal will be added to the next water bill. 

Please submit the application to water@whiterockcity.ca or in person to the Engineering and Municipal Operations, 877 Keil Street. 

Water On/ Off 

A Water On/Off Application needs to be filled out to temporarily have the City water services shut off. The City turns off the water at a curb stop at the property line. The application fee is $58.

Allow at least 48 hours notice from the time of full payment is required when requesting water to be turned on/off. 

If this is an emergency, please contact the Engineering and Municipal Operations Department at 604-541-2181.

Locate Water Services

Use the White Rock Online Mapping System (WROMS) and select City Map

  • Zoom in or out to the area of interest
  • On the left side menu, choose the “Layers & Legend” to view all options 
  • Select ‘Infrastructure’ and choose the water folder to see all water layer options (water hydrant, water mains, water tanks, etc.) The map will populate the features as selected.

White Rock digital map