Driveway Access

Driveway approvals are carried out as part of redevelopment of a site or when an owner chooses to change their existing access. A plan detailing the site layout must be submitted showing all proposed accesses and on-site parking along with a completed Right-of-Way Access Permit. An application for access is available from the Engineering Department or Development Services. The owner or owner's representative is required to complete this application and present it to Development Services for processing.


Each application must provide both plan and profile drawings that include the following: 

  • Design details including dimensions, elevations, construction methods and materials for any retaining walls required to facilitate the access
  • Driveway width and surface material type of access crossing from road edge to private property
  • Existing elevations at the road edge on both sides of the driveway, existing and proposed elevations at property line and proposed garage slab elevations

The application fee for this permit is $58 and a security deposit will be required to protect the City of White Rock from any damage to City property. This security deposit is refundable upon completion of the works to the satisfaction of the City.


Some examples of activities that require a "City Road and Right-of-Way Permit" are: 

  • Boulevard improvements
  • Crossing construction (driveway access)
  • Full or partial temporary road closures
  • Single family dwelling construction
  • Temporary storage of construction bins

For driveway access guidelines see Street and Traffic Bylaw No. 1529

More Information

For more information on driveway requirements call the Engineering Department at 604-541-2181. For information on parking stall dimensions, maneuvering/driving aisle widths, please refer to the Off-Street Parking Schedule in the White Rock Zoning Bylaw.