Official Community Plan Amendment

The White Rock Official Community Plan, 2017, No. 2220 (OCP) (PDF) is a statement of objectives and policies that guides decisions on planning and land use management in the City. Local governments within British Columbia are authorized to adopt an OCP in accordance with the Local Government Act. Once an OCP has been adopted, all bylaws enacted by the municipality must be consistent with the plan. This document was adopted in October 2017.

An OCP Amendment is the process of legally changing an OCP Land Use Designation, policy, or other aspect of the White Rock Official Community Plan (e.g. development permit area designations). If the use, density, or building typology of a development proposal is not consistent with the OCP, you will have to apply for an OCP Amendment for that property. An OCP Amendment may be required in conjunction with a Zoning Amendment.


Please be aware that pursuant to the White Rock Planning Procedures Bylaw and Council Policy 512, the OCP amendment process is subject to special requirements. Staff recommend reviewing these documents under our Resources and Documents page before proceeding any further.