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Council Meeting Highlights and Summaries

Posted on: April 12, 2022

Council Meeting Summary - April 11, 2022

Question and Answer 
One (1) submission was received by email:

  • Request for a status update on municipal waste and recycling collection for Strata Buildings in White Rock. 
  • Answer: Staff are reaching out to the approximately 350 commercial and strata properties to obtain exiting collection details before issuing a Request for Proposal this summer.  

The following question was asked in person:

  • Follow up questions were asked regarding three (3) city encroachments on a property on Parker Place.
  • Answer: Staff are working with the resident 

A member from the West Coaster’s Car Club attended to discuss a potential car show in uptown White Rock during the Sea Festival weekend. Staff will be working with the delegate to look at opportunities to explore this further.

COVID-19 Update
The Fire Chief provided an On-Table update on the COVID-19 pandemic.  

Johnston Road and Thrift Avenue Public Art Selection Panel Recommendation
Council received a report regarding the Public Art Selection Panel’s recommendation for a public art piece on the northeast corner of Johnston Road and Thrift Avenue. The Selection Panel unanimously selected an art piece from Marianne Nicolson, an artist activist of the Musgamakw Dzawada’enuxw First Nations. The tentative title for the art installation is “Joined”.

Council directed staff to work with the Saltaire Strata Council to negotiate a Public Art Installation and a Funding Agreement. Council also directed that prior to the contract being awarded to Marianne Nicolson, contact be made and agreement received by the Semiahmoo First Nation.

Film Attraction Strategy 2022
Council adopted a film attraction strategy for 2022, which will build the City’s reputation as a film friendly and desirable location. Many of the recommendations for the Film Attraction Strategy came out of a working group developed by the Arts and Cultural Advisory Committee in 2019. Check out the Filming in White Rock page.

Marine Drive and Martin Street – Kiosk Space Options
Staff provided a report with options to utilize the kiosk space on Marine Drive and Martin Street, where there was once an ATM.  Council supported a recommendation to implement the placement of a picnic table and two planters in this space.  

Status Update of Council’s 2021-2022 Top Priorities 
An updated progress report was provided on Council’s top priorities.

Economic Development Advisory Committee

  • Council received three (3) recommendations from the Committee regarding their work plan, and eight (8) recommendations regarding the City’s draft Economic Development Strategic Plan
  • Council also supported a recommendation directing staff to develop a beautification plan from an economic perspective together with a plan for implementation. 

Arts And Cultural Advisory Committee

  • Council supported a recommendation from the Arts and Cultural Advisory Committee directing staff to assign event volunteers to gather data surrounding events to better determine the impact of special events in the community.

Environmental Advisory Committee

  • Council endorsed a recommendation from the committee requesting that environmental changes (landscape open space and electrical vehicle parking) to the Zoning Bylaw be made by Council expeditiously. 
  • A recommendation was also supported by Council to move quickly to adopt the Energy Step Code into the Building Bylaw.  

Land Use and Planning Committee

  • Council directed staff to move forward with a Public Information Meeting (electronic) for a Development Variance Permit for 1532 Johnston Road. The Development Variance Permit would allow for an oversized fascia sign at the White Rock Player’s Club.
  • Council directed staff to advance the zoning amendment application at 13706 North Bluff Road to the next stage in the application review process. This application would permit the subdivision of the property to construct two (2) new single-family dwellings.

Parking in Commercial Areas Where There Is Also Parallel Street Parking
Council supported a recommendation directing staff to mark off parking spots in all commercial areas in White Rock where there is parallel parking on the street.  

Signage with History Regarding Cosmic Alley
Council supported a recommendation directing staff to provide a report back to Council with options and the costs to add descriptive historical information on Cosmic Alley. Staff will be reaching out to the White Rock Museum and Archives and residents in the area to work to collect this information.

Lighting on the Foster Martin Buildings
Council supported a motion to send a letter to representatives from the Foster Martin Development to ask that the intensity of the feature light on the building be toned down for neighbouring residents and that the lighting be turned off overnight.  Council further directed staff to bring forward a report with options to regulate signage and/or feature brightness in White Rock.  

2022 Deputy Mayor Schedule
An amendment was made to the 2022 Deputy Mayor schedule due to the passing of Councillor Fathers.

Appointment To External Committees’ Vacancies
Council representative appointments were made to several external committees to fill current vacancies.

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Council Meeting Summary – September 9, 2024

Posted on: September 10, 2024 | Last Modified on: September 10, 2024