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Council Meeting Highlights and Summaries

Posted on: June 28, 2022

Council Meeting Summary – June 27, 2022

Council Chamber City Hall - City of White Rock

Question and Answer Period 

One (1) submission was received On Table for Question and Answer Period regarding the tax increase for White Rock as well as expenses and surpluses noted in the 2021 year audited financial statements.

Comments and questions were asked in person regarding:

  • Tax increases in the City of White Rock and reserves and surpluses noted in the 2021 Financial Statements.
  • Council and staff support for the promotion and policing of events taking place during White Rock Pride Week (July 15 - 23).

Staff’s answers to these questions will be posted on the City website, under the Questions and Answers page.


Members from the White Rock Events Society attended to discuss the White Rock Promenade Sculptures Competition.  

Staff will be meeting and doing some further work with White Rock Events Society.  


Council received two (2) presentations:

  • A member from the White Rock/ Crescent Beach Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue 5 (SARS5) attended to discuss the volunteer organization.  This organization responds to marine emergencies on the water and works closely with White Rock RCMP and Fire Services.  In the last year, SAR5 has had 19 missions in the White Rock/Crescent Beach area.
  • Members from Metro Vancouver appeared electronically before Council to provide information on the Metro 2050 Regional Growth Strategy.  


Metro 2050 Regional Growth Strategy – Further Information

Staff brought forward a follow-up report on the Metro 2050 Regional Growth Strategy. Following feedback provided by Metro Vancouver, Council endorsed the strategy as presented. 

Council also directed staff to reach out to the City of Surrey to determine a way to work collaboratively on the development of the Semiahmoo Town Centre Plan.


Staff Feedback on 2022 Environmental Advisory Committee Recommendations to Council

Council received for information a report on a number of proposed recommendations from the Environmental Advisory Committee.  

Council supported three (3) recommendations brought forward from the Committee, directing:

  • Staff to give priority to identifying any governmental or extra-governmental programs or funds that might be accessed to help inform or support the pursuit of the above noted priorities as well as any other climate change-related measures;
  • The Chief Administrative Officer to establish appropriate organizational measures to facilitate completion of the above priorities and promote more systematic and sustained focus on the climate change priority in ongoing policy and operational processes; and,
  • Staff to keep Council regularly apprised of developments regarding the City’s climate change challenges and responses and that a staff report on the City’s climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts be presented at least annually to a regular meeting of Council.


City of White Rock Warming Shelter UBCM Grant Application Resolution

Council endorsed the City’s Union of British Columbia (UBCM) Strengthening Communities’ Services 2022 Grant application and indicated their willingness to provide overall grant management should the grant be approved by the UBCM.  

If awarded, the UBCM grant would be used for the operation of the City’s 2022-2023 (November 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023) Daytime Warming Shelter in the amount of $320K. 

Previously, the warming shelter ran from February 1, 2022 to March 15, 2022 on an “as needed” basis when an Extreme Weather warning was issued and in conjunction with the overnight Extreme Weather Shelter at Mount Olive Lutheran Church.  The shelter assisted a total of 622 visits over the 34 days of operation.  


Status Update of Council's 2021-2022 Top Priorities 

An updated progress report was provided on Council’s top priorities.


Arts and Cultural Advisory Committee

Council endorsed a recommendation from the Arts and Cultural Advisory Committee requesting that additional multi-committee roundtable discussion workshops be held regarding placemaking in the city.  The initial workshop took place on June 8, 2022, with members from the Arts and Cultural Advisory Committee, Economic Development Advisory Committee and the Public Art Advisory Committee. The livestream for the workshop can be viewed on the City website.


Bylaws Receiving Final Reading

Bylaw 2432, which amends the current Mail Ballot Authorization and Procedure Bylaw, was given final reading. More information on voting by mail and the 2022 Municipal Election can be found on the City website. The Municipal Election for 2022 will be held on Saturday, October 15th.  


BYLAW 2435: White Zoning Bylaw, 2012, No. 2000, Amendment (CD ZONE 67 - 15704, 15724/28/38/48/58/70 North Bluff Road) Bylaw, 2022, No. 2435

A bylaw to amend the White Rock Zoning Bylaw to allow for a multi-building development at 15074, 15724/28/38/48/58/70 North Bluff Road was given its first two readings.  The next step will be for the Bylaw to go for a Public Hearing, which is expected to take place on Monday, July 18th

Reminder Notifications - Restricted Pesticide Use

Council adopted a resolution directing staff to remind residents of restricted pesticide use. In accordance with the City’s Pesticide Use Bylaw, pesticides are not to be used on private or public land for cosmetic use (maintaining outdoor trees, shrubs, flowers etc.).

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Other News in Council Meeting Highlights and Summaries

Council Chamber City Hall - City of White Rock

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