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Council Meeting Highlights and Summaries

Posted on: July 26, 2022

Council Meeting Summary - July 25, 2022

Council Chamber City Hall - City of White Rock

Special Presentation

Council acknowledged the 2022 recipients of the Outstanding Canadians on the Peninsula Legacy Award: Ramona Kaptyn, Marie Sabine and Upkar Singh Tatley. 

The White Rock Outstanding Canadians on the Peninsula represents the highest form of recognition the city can extend to its residents. Read the recipient biographies for each of the 2022 award recipients.

Question and Answer Period

One (1) submission was received On Table regarding exhibition and decorative lighting in the city.

Questions/ Comments were asked in person regarding:

  • The success of the warming shelter in White Rock in 2022 and it was inquired if it will be continuing in 2023.

The City is working to have the warming shelter up and running again in winter, 2022/ 2023. It was further noted that with the heat wave this week cooling shelters are also being activated in the city. 

  • The health of several trees along the promenade and an RFP that was issued to supply power to these trees. A request was made to postpone the RFP until the trees can be properly assessed by an arborist.

Staff is aware of the condition of the trees at the Promenade. The plan for the RFP is for crews to dig under the pavers to ensure there is minimal root damage.  An arborist will be on site to ensure that the roots are not damaged.

  • Outstanding landscaping work to be done at Maccaud Park and when it is expected that the park will be re-opened.

Landscaping crews are scheduled to be working at the waterfront this week in preparation for the Sea Festival. Staff are aware of the work to be done on the west side of Maccaud Park (cutting of long grass, blackberries) and will perform that work when they are able. Currently the contractor fence is around the park as additional landscaping needs to be implemented. This is expected to take place when the weather is more favorable for planting. 

  • Appreciation was noted to Council and staff for their assistance and support throughout White Rock Pride Week. A request was made to set the dates for Pride Week for 2023 – July 22 to July 29. 

Answers to these questions are on the Questions and Answers page.


White Rock RCMP Staff Sargent Kale Pauls provided a presentation with information on the number and types of calls for service, criminal offences reported and traffic enforcement violation tickets from the period of April to June 2022. Comments were also noted regarding vehicle and loud music complaints on Marine Drive. A review will be taking place on the City’s Noise Control Bylaw and the RCMP will be working with the Planning Department on this moving forward. For more information visit

City of White Rock's 2021 Annual Report

Council received public input and later endorsed the City of White Rock 2021 Annual Report with amendments. The Annual Report provides statistical information, financial statements, department overviews, information on civic grants-in-aid and capital projects as well as a summary of 2021 milestones and a progress report on Council’s Strategic Priorities. 

2021 Statement of Financial Information 

Council approved the 2021 Statement of Financial Information (SOFI) for the City of White Rock. The SOFI is prepared on a yearly basis in accordance with the Financial Information Act and provides information on the City’s audited 2021 Financial Statements as well as schedules of employee remuneration and payments to suppliers.

Integrated Transportation Infrastructure Master Plan

Council reviewed the Draft Integrated Transportation Infrastructure Master Plan as presented by Urban Systems. Council will have the opportunity for further discussion on the plan at the September 19, 2022 Regular Council meeting.

Progress on Update on Multi-Family and Institutional, Commercial and Industrial Solid Waste Transition

A progress update was provided on the transition for multi-family and institutional, commercial and industrial solid waste. Council directed that staff continue to prepare the RFP documents and endorsed the project schedule outlined in the report including consideration of awarding the contract at the October 3, 2022 Regular Council meeting.

Not for Profit Permissive Tax Exemptions Bylaws

Two (2) reports were received by Council for not-for-profit permissive tax exemptions:

  • For the Centre for Active Living (for 2023-2025); and,
  • For Options Community Services Society, Peace Arch Hospital and Community Health Foundation, Peach Arch Hospital Auxiliary Society, Sources Community Resource Society and White Rock Players Club (for 2023-2027).  

The City has the authority to grant permissive property tax exemptions for non-profit organizations under conditions identified in the Community Charter, both Bylaws will come forward for final consideration in September.

BIA Request for Beer Gardens at TD Concerts at the Pier 

Council approved a request made by the White Rock Business Improvement Association to hold “beer and wine” gardens at two (2) of the upcoming TD Concerts at the Pier performances. The “beer and wine” gardens will be hosted by the White Rock Beach Beer Company, and the concerts will take place on August 18th at Five Corners, and August 25th at the East Beach parking lot (east of Grand Chief Bernard Robert Charles Memorial Plaza).

Promenade Sculpture Competition Update

Council received an update on the Promenade Sculpture Competition. The event is expected to take place mid-September 2022 to September 2023.  

Healthy Community Age Friendly Grand Application 2022 Resolution

Council adopted a resolution of endorsement for the City’s BC Healthy Communities Age Friendly 2022 Grant application and confirmed their willingness for staff to provide overall grant management, as required by the BC Healthy Communities grant application program.

The City’s grant application is for a “Poetry in Motion” project, which is an inclusive and accessible community engagement walk allowing community members to engage in culturally diverse poetry while participating in a social physical activity. Fraser Health, Brella Community Services, Semiahmoo Seniors Planning Table, DIVERSEcity, Canadian Association for Retired Persons (C.A.R.P.), and Sources Community Resource Society are all partners in the project. Tracey not sure if this much info is needed…

Applications for Upcoming Public Hearing 

Council received two (2) reports from the Planning and Development Services department for potential amendments to the White Rock Zoning Bylaw:

  • WHITE ROCK ZONING BYLAW, 2012, NO. 2000, AMENDMENT (CD-68-14937 THRIFT AVENUE AND 1441, 1443-45, AND 1465 VIDAL STREET) BYLAW, 2022, NO. 2439 - This application proposes to rezone four properties (14937 Thrift Ave and 1441, 1443-45 and 1465 Vidal Street) to "Comprehensive Development Zone (CD) 68". If approved, it would enable the proposed multi-building residential project that consists of 70 purpose built rental apartments ranging from 1 to 3-bedroom units to be built.
  • CONSIDERATION OF FIRST AND SECOND READING OF "WHITE ROCK ZONING BYLAW, 2012, NO. 2000, AMENDMENT (RT-1 - 1091 STAYTE ROAD) BYLAW, 2022, NO. 2438 – Application to amend the zoning bylaw to allow for a duplex to be constructed at 1091 Stayte Road.

Council gave both Bylaw’s first and second reading and forwarded them to Public Hearing to be held September 26, 2022. 

Status Update of Council's 2021-2022 Top Priorities

An updated progress report was provided on Council’s top priorities.

Housing Advisory Committee

Council endorsed the integration of the following five (5) strategies into the existing development process to create a long-term framework for affordable housing that creates the capacity to provide affordable housing in multiple ways:

  1. Use the City's regulatory tools to encourage a diverse mix of housing types
  2. Maximize use of City resources and financial tools
  3. Build capacity with non-profit housing and service providers
  4. Facilitate and strengthen partnership opportunities
  5. Increase advocacy, awareness, and education roles

Arts and Cultural Advisory Committee 

Council endorsed a request for additional multi-committee roundtable placemaking discussion workshops to be held over the summer months. The workshop includes members from the Economic Development Advisory Committee, Arts and Cultural Advisory Committee and Public Art Advisory Committee and focuses on sharing ideas around placemaking in the city. 

Economic Development Advisory Committee

Council supported an on-table request for members of the Committee to meet with the White Rock BIA and South Surrey/White Rock Chamber of Commerce to obtain the business community’s feedback on placemaking in the city. This information would then be brought forward for discussion at the multi-committee roundtable placemaking discussion workshop (workshop date to be determined).

Bylaw Receiving Final Reading

Road Exchange Bylaw (14977 Beachview Avenue), 2022, No. 2433, a bylaw to close and remove the highway dedication and to dispose of a portion of Beachview Avenue in exchange for road dedication on a portion of the property known as 14977 Beachview Avenue, received final reading.

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Other News in Council Meeting Highlights and Summaries

Council Chamber City Hall - City of White Rock

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