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Council Meeting Highlights and Summaries

Posted on: June 13, 2022

Council Meeting Summary – June 13, 2022

Council Chamber City Hall - City of White Rock

Question and Answer 

The following questions were asked in person regarding:

  • Request to use the remaining pickleball funds to construct a permanent divider net on the northeast pickleball court. Council supported a resolution to allocate funds towards this project to a total of $4,500.
  • The proposed Centre Street Walkway budget increase – question and comments regarding the reasoning behind the increased budget. A request was made to delay this project, to engage in public consultation and to utilize available grants for the project.
  • The Affordable Housing Strategy, a request for Council to formally remove the high-rise component and to add in the possibility of having 4-6 storey condominium buildings in single-family home designated areas. 

Staff’s answers to these questions will be posted on the City website, under the Questions and Answers page.


Members from the Peace Arch Hospital Foundation attended to discuss the implementation of exercise equipment at the waterfront. Equipment examples for this project include a sit up bench, stretch stations, and pull up bar. This is “Phase 2” of the Playground Project for the Peace Arch Hospital Foundation. “Phase 1” of the project was Generations Playground, which was installed in spring of 2018. 

Staff will be investigating potential locations and costs associated with this project and will report back to Council with their findings. 

COVID-19 Update

The Deputy Fire Chief provided an On-Table update on COVID-19. 

Council decided to suspend the standing COVID-19 Report as the situation continues to improve in terms of hospitalizations and the severity of the illness. Should the COVID situation become more complex in the future, the report can be brought back as needed. 

Contract Award – Helen Fathers Centre Street Walkway Upgrades and Improvement Project

Council received a report on a potential contract award for the Helen Fathers Centre Street Walkway Upgrades and Improvement Project. Due to a number of factors, it was noted that a Financial Plan Amendment would be required in the amount of $1.65M to award the contract and begin construction for the project.

Council directed that staff hold approval of the award of the contract pending the grant availability of Active Transportation Fund 2022 by Infrastructure Canada with evaluation results to be anticipated in June/July 2022, or future grant application for Active Transportation Fund 2022/2023 by BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure with evaluation results to be anticipated in September 2022. 

Metro 2050 Regional Growth Strategy 

Council received the proposed Metro 2050 Regional Growth Strategy.

Staff will be bringing a report back at the next Council meeting with further information on this topic.

White Rock Zoning Bylaw, 2012, No. 2000, Amendment (Cd Zone 62-1453 Stayte Road) Bylaw, 2022, No. 2434

Council received for information a report on a proposed 20-unit townhouse development at 1453 Stayte Road. 

Later in the evening Council forwarded the application to an upcoming Public Hearing (tentatively scheduled for July 18, 2022).

Status Update of Council’s 2021-2022 Top Priorities 

An updated progress report was provided on Council’s top priorities.

Economic Development Advisory Committee

Council received for information a motion from the Committee which expressed their support for Mayor Walker to pursue conversations with TransLink to enhance public transportation in White Rock.

Housing Advisory Committee

Council endorsed two (2) recommendations from the Committee with respect to:

  • Consider waiving or reducing Community Amenity Contributions (CACs) and Development Cost Charges (DCCs) for non-market housing projects (such as senior and special needs housing); and,
  • Supporting inclusive non-market housing projects that incorporate seniors, people with disabilities and other below-market groups.

Semiahmoo First Nation Flag – Permanently Flown within the City of White Rock

Council supported a motion directing staff to review the cost and feasibility for a flagpole to be erected at City Hall with the intent that the Semiahmoo First Nation Flag be flown there permanently.

Memorial Park Picnic Tables

Council discussed the removal of picnic tables to accommodate upcoming events in Memorial Park. Staff were directed to keep at least six (6) tables in the Memorial Park vicinity at all times.

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Council Chamber City Hall - City of White Rock

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