On November 23, Council endorsed the Official Community Plan Vision & Goal Statements. This endorsement concludes ‘Phase 2: Defining the Big Picture’ of the Official Community Plan (OCP).
The Vision & Goal Statements define the results that the Plan seeks to achieve over a 30-year planning horizon. In ‘Phase 3: Building the Plan’, specific policies, actions, and design guidelines will be developed to implement the Vision and Goal Statements and related sub-topics.
A corresponding corporate report is available on the City website that details the process of Phase 2, descriptions of each OCP Working Group meeting, clarification on the changes of the population projection, and concurrent City projects that tie into this process.
The City thanks all community members who participated in the first two phases. Building on the input of Phase 1 and Phase 2, Phase 3 of the process will offer even more opportunities to continue the conversation in 2016.
Since launching the Official Community Plan Process in May 2015, several thousand comments and survey responses from the community have fed into the key items the City faces in the future. Special efforts have been made to encourage responses by renters, homeowners, local business owners, and various cultural groups.
An OCP is a broad policy document that sets the vision, goals and overarching policies that guide the City. Council, staff and citizens use the OCP to help make decisions regarding the City’s growth, transportation, housing, services and infrastructure under the umbrella of sustainability, accessibility and community identity. The City also introduced specific goal statements for the Town Centre and Waterfront areas. The City’s current OCP was adopted in 2006.
The Imagine White Rock website is a comprehensive online information source offering a summary of input to date, corporate reports, FAQs, event information, as well as a timeline of the process.