On Monday, October 8, 2018, City of White Rock facilities will be closed. Please note that there will not be any changes in the solid waste collection schedule next week.
As you gather this weekend with family and friends to celebrate Thanksgiving, remember greasy items like butter, leftover cooking oils, and yogurt are to go in your green bin, not down your sink. Why? Pouring greasy items down your sink will turn into a congealed, gluey mess and can cause clogged pipes, backed-up sewers, and expensive repairs. It doesn't matter how much hot water or soap you pour down after it. Sooner or later it solidifies. Don't forget to put your food scrapes in the green bin, too!
To learn more about the Wipe It, Green Bin It, initiative please go to www.wipeitgreenbinit.ca. And, if you ever wonder what’s not okay to put in your green bin, visit metrovancouver.org/foodscraps for helpful tips.
Happy Thanksgiving!